Bundesleague 2019-2020

2019-10-12 Rodewisch (GER)

Rzut: Gr C
Liga: 2 - Bundesleague

Athletenteam Vogtland
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
 Florian Hartenberger 99 84.2 100 105 108 127 129 132 240 286.23 71.6
Anna Taubert 00 82.2 65 68 70 83 86 90 156 178.22 68
Michelle Hartenberger 02 57.7 47 50 52 57 60 60 109 151.08 64
Anja Bellmann 77 56.2 42 45 47 53 56 56 101 142.5 58
Konstiantyn Jelezov 87 106.4 0 0 0 140 150 151 151 163.87 47.5
Marlen Barthel 03 58.8 40 43 45 0 0 0 45 66.5 21.5
Petr Petrov 89 72 115 120 125 145 150 0 270 349.91 131
Suma: 461.6
AC Meißen
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Gerit Janta 97 59.3 58 62 65 77 81 83 148 201.47 98
Lucas Muller 03 62.2 83 88 91 98 103 107 194 275.69 82
Konstantin Forster 90 89.1 100 105 110 12 5135 140 5245 6094.33 71.8
Alexej Lysenko 84 79.8 90 100 110 100 110 120 220 269.48 60.4
Christopher Gell 90 77.8 83 87 90 94 99 104 194 240.81 40
Martin Weser 99 107 93 97 100 105 110 114 211 220.61 10.5
Suma: 362.7

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